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The Timeline Menu contains the edit tools and commands to help you navigate and work within the timeline.


Transport and Navigation

Opens a list of navigation commands to quickly move your playhead around and to specific positions in your project.


Some more nuanced features here include:

  • Seek Previous/Next Boundary: Moves the playhead to the beginning, sync marker, or the end of the region. Continually using command will move on to the next region in line.
  • Step Left/Right by Value: Moves the playhead left or right on the timeline by a default value of 5 frames. This value can be adjusted in the Timeline Tab of Preferences.
  • Select Previous/Next Marker: Moves the playhead to the next closest marker on the timeline to the left or right.
  • Select Previous/Next Comment Marker: Moves the playhead to the next closes comment marker on the timeline to the left or right. Great for assigning comments markers as “chapter markers” on long video projects allowing you to easily move the playhead great distances across your timeline.
  • Return to Play Location on Stop: Once playback is stopped, this moves the playhead back to the position it was in when playback was started. Common for Pro Tools users.
  • Return to Play Location on Replace: This moves the playhead back to the position it was in when playback was started only if you replace a region during playback.

Tool Selection

Choose between the different tool options (A) Arrow, (C) Scissors, (F) Fade and, (E) Time Stretch



Opens a list containing a variety of Timeline Zoom options

  • Horizontal Zoom In/Out (⌘-): Narrows/Extends the horizontal view of the timeline.
  • Vertical Zoom In/Out (⇧⌘+): Narrows/Extends the vertical view of the timeline.
  • Show All (⇧Z): Zooms out horizontally to show all regions placed in the timeline.



Here you can toggle Grid and Playhead snap features on/off.


Trigger Settings

Here you can manage Real Time Audio and Quantize Placement settings.



Toggles looped playback based on your “In” and “Out” points.

Loop Selection

Creates “In” and “Out” points based on the select region(s) in the timeline and activates looped playback.

In Point to Playhead

Sets an “In” point on your timeline at the position of the playhead. This “In” point is where your looped playback and bounces will start.

Out Point to Playhead

Sets an “Out” point on your timeline at the position of the playhead. This “Out” point is where your looped playback and bounces will end.

In Point to Selection

Sets an “In” point on your timeline at the starting position of the selected region(s). This “In” point is where your looped playback and bounces will start.

Out Point to Selection

Sets an “Out” point on your timeline at the ending position of the selected region(s). This “Out” point is where your looped playback and bounces will end.

MTC Sync Receive

Toggles MIDI Time Code on and off. For more information see, Sync MIDI Time Code.

Connect to Final Cut Pro

Connects ADD to Final Cut Pro via the ADD Audio Bridge. For more information see, ADD Audio Bridge

Organize Timeline

Organizes and groups all of your regions in your project by type and subtype. Regions of the same type will be moved next to each other and regions of the same subtype will be moved onto the same track as long as there is space. This is extremely useful to stay organized, for bouncing stems, and keeping your track counts low to reduce stress on your system.

The current organization of track types from top to bottom is

  • Video Audio
  • Ambiences
  • Footsteps
  • Sound Effects
  • Sound Design
  • Music
  • Vocalizations

Auto Scroll

Toggles Auto Scroll which keeps your timeline window focused on the playhead during playback. When turned on, if the playhead reaches the end of the timeline the timeline window will shift right to follow the playhead.