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Region Menu

The Region Menu commands allow you to manipulate the audio in the selected region(s).



Mixing Provides a list of quick mixing commands for individual regions


Region Effects

The Region Effects Window (⇧G) is a useful pop-up to quickly shape and mix your sounds.


Here you can adjust:

  • Gain
  • Pitch
  • Pan
  • Stereo Relation (L/R, R/L, Mono)
  • Lock original BPM
  • Set new BPM
  • Add up to six plug-ins that will only affect the selected region. 

Fade In/Out

Create a custom a fade

  1. Select the Fade Tool ( F ). 
  2. Click on the desired starting point and drag it to the end of the region. Drag right (fade out) or left (fade in).

Clear Fades

Removes all fades from the selected region.

Pan Left/Right

Moves the Pan of the selected region left or right by a value of 10%

Reset Pan to Center

Removes any Pan changes made on the selected region


Reverses the audio region(s). ( V )

Pitch and Time

Opens a small list of quick Pitch Shift and Time Stretch commands.


Raise/Lower Pitch 1 Semitone

Raises or Lowers the selected regions pitch by 1 semitone.

Increase/Decrease Tempo

Time stretches or truncates the selected region based on the tempo of the original recording.


Opens a list of different commands that can be used to Replace a region.



  • This replaces your selected sound(s) with a new sound(s) based on your replace settings and parameters.

From Search Results:

  • This replaces your selected sound(s) with a new sound(s) currently selected in Search.

From Trigger:

  • This replaces your selected sound(s) with a new sound(s) from your current trigger.

Choose File (Mini Library):

  • The Mini Library ⇧R (Shift+R) opens a folder structured window to show you the location of the selected region within its ADD sound pack.
  • Here you can see the title and metadata of the selected region as well as you can preview similar Subtypes of sounds within the same sound pack, different Types of sounds, or different sound packs entirely. Once you’ve found the sound you want you can click “Place” to stack the new sound with the selected region or “Replace” to replace the selected region with the new sound.



This replaces your selected sound(s) with a new sound(s) based on your replace settings and parameters.

With Longer/Shorter

Replaces the selected sound with a longer or shorter sound of the same type based on your replace settings and parameters.

With Next/Previous

Replaces the selected sound with the next or previous sound of the same subtype in the same sound pack. For example: “Boom Hit 7” would be replaced by either “Boom Hit 8” or “Boom Hit 6”.

Reset Settings

This resets any specified replace settings or parameters you have selected in the Replace Tab of the Library Window. For more information see, Using the Replace Window.


Opens a small list of quick Nudge commands


Nudge or Step Left/Right

Nudges a region left or right by a single frame.

Nudge or Step Left/Right by Value

Nudges a region region left or right be a default value of 5 frames. This default value can be changed in Preferences in the Timeline Tab under Regions.

Create/Remove Group

Groups ⌘G (command+G) selected regions together so any change made to one region affects all of the regions in the same group. This includes timeline positions and volume changes but excludes FX.

⇧⌘G (Shift+command+G) Ungroups the regions. Only one of the regions in the group needs to be selected to ungroup.


Creates a copy of the region(s) to the right of the original(s). Helpful for looping material.

Duplicate with Options (Variations)

Creates a small prompt where you can create several duplicates of the selected region(s). When creating these duplicates you have a few extra options.


Create Variations

Replaces the duplicated region(s) with sound base on your replace settings and parameters. Useful for creating several instances of layered sound design and sound effects moments to test several options at once.

Preserve Group Positions

If multiple sounds are selected to duplicate, this will preserve their timeline relation with each other.

Align Sync Markers

This can only be selected if you also have Preserve Group Positions selected. When multiple regions are selected to be duplicated, This technically ignores their timeline relation in order to align the duplicated sounds right at the point of their sync markers.

Align to Start

Aligns all selected regions to the start of the region furthest left (earliest in the timeline)

Align Sync Markers

Aligns all selected regions to the sync point of the region furthest left (earliest in the timeline)

Move to Playhead

Moves the start of all selected regions to the playhead



Bounce or Revert

⇧M (Shift+M) Bounces and renders all selected regions onto a single track in a new Stacks region. You will get a window where you can name the Stack as well as choose to include audio tail and export to file to use on future projects.


Click “OK” and you’ve created a Stack! Double clicking the new Stacks region will open up the Stacks Window.


In this window you can see all of the individual regions that were used to create the stack. The regions will maintain any changes such as volume, fade, FX, and pan that were made before they were turned into a stack. You can also further change any effects and edits to individual regions while inside the stack as well as you can replace any individual region inside the stack.

Using ⇧M (Shift+M) again will break the new Stacks region back out into individual regions on their respective tracks in the timeline.

Freeze Individual Regions

Bounces and renders the selected region on the timeline. Useful for reducing stress on your system if one sound has several effects or if you’re worried it might accidentally be altered.

Save Selection as Stack

Not only does this bounce and render all selected regions onto a single track in a new Stacks region. This exports and .ADDStacks file that can be recalled and used in future projects.

Add Selection to Stacks Editor

Adds any selected region outside of the opened Stack Window into the the Stack.

Consolidate to New Track

This command will group all selected regions to a new single track. This function is very useful for organization and keep track count low.

  1. Select all the regions you would like to consolidate by dragging the arrow through the timeline or pressing (⌘Click) on the desired regions.
  2. Go to (Region > Consolidate to New Track) or press (⌥M).
  3. All the regions will be grouped in a new track.

Set Timeline Tempo From Region

Sets the Global Tempo of the project to the same tempo as the selected region. For more on Global Tempo see, Timeline Toolbar.


Solos and Mutes the selected region(s)


Locks region into place on timeline. Locked regions will not respond to replacement commands, which can be helpful to lock in sounds you love and replace all others. 

Lock to Original Tempo

This locks a region to its original tempo preventing any time stretching. Useful if Tempo Stretching is on and you don’t want a region(s) to be stretched to the global tempo. For more on Temp Stretching see, Timeline Toolbar.